


Libosmscout has the following optional and required dependencies:

libxml2 (optional)
libxml2 is required for parsing *.osm file during import
protobuf-c, protobuf-compiler (optional)
These are required for parsing *.pbf files
marisa (optional)
for an additional location full text search index
libagg (optional),
freetype (optional)
for the agg backend. If you use agg, freetype must be available, too
cairo (optional),
pango (optional)
for the cairo backend, if pango is available it will be used for complex text rendering instead of the cairo toy font rendering code
Qt5 (optional)
for the Qt5 backend.
Qt6 (optional)
for the Qt6 backend. The meson build currently supports building against Qt6, however due to changes in Qt6 the software builds but some features are disabled.
freeglut (optional),
glu (optional)
for the OpenGL demo

Currently, the library does compile without any external dependencies, however since you need to be able to import OSM data to make any use of the library you should at least have libxml2 or protobuf available.

Supported Build systems, operating systems and compiler

Libosmscout supports cmake and meson for building the software.

We support cmake because of its wide-spread use and tools support and meson for its elegance.

We did support 32bit builds, but there is no CI build to prove this anymore. Also, the software, especially the import, very quickly needs mor ethan 4GB memory. We support 64bit builds on all platforms.

Support matrix:

OS Compiler Build tool Packaging tool Comments
Linux gcc CMake
Linux clang CMake
Linux gcc Meson
Linux clang Meson
Windows MSYS2 CMake pacman
Windows MSYS2 Meson pacman
Windows Visual Studio 2019 CMake vcpkg
Windows Visual Studio 2019 Meson
Mac OS/iOS XCode/Clang CMake homebrew
Mac OS/iOS XCode Meson homebrew

Look at the CI and Docker Builds

For preparing the build environment and for starting builds we suggest to take a look at the GitHub Action builds or for the docker-based builds as these are current. The documentation here may be old and (in some details) not accurate anymore.


Note, that if your distribution supports Qt5 and Qt6, the builds will look for QT5. YOu have to explicitly configure the meson build to look for Qt6.

Setup under Linux

The concrete packages you have to install depends on the distribution you use. Libosmscout provides a number of Docker images under ci/docker. take the look at the corresponding docker file for your distribution and the used install.shand build.shscripts to se, how you can set up a valid environment.

Setup for VisualStudio

Note that there is also a central Appveyor build, that uses a similar setup as described here.

Please use the cmake based build for VisualStudio project setup. You just need to import the CMakeLists.txt into VisualStudio.

You can use vcpkg to install required dependencies and build against.

Currently, the following vcpkg dependencies can be used (depending on the libraries you want to build):

Currently glfw3 is not correctly detected by cmake.

To build against vcpkg packages using cmake (note that your version of VisualStudio and the location of your vcpkg may differ):

$ mkdir vcbuild
$ cd vcbuild
$ cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../../vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake ..
$ cmake --build .

Setup for Mac OS X

Note that there is also a central Travis-CI build, that uses a similar setup as described here.

To build libosmscout under Mac OS X you should have installed:

Using homebrew you install the following packages:

Follow the hint during package installation regarding visibility of the installed packages. You may have to extend search paths and similar.

At the time the article has been written this are for example:

$ brew link --force gettext
$ brew link --force libxml2
$ brew link --force qt5

For cmake based build you also have to install:

You can then start with a normal cmake build.

The OSX/iOS backend and demo is currently not build this way. Above installations are enough to use the Qt5 based OSMScout2 demo application though.

It looks like the qmake based build does not handle rpath for shared libraries correctly so OSMScout2 does not find the referenced locally build libosmscout binaries. The cmake based does not have this problem.

For custom installation directories for Qt you have to pass a hint to cmake:

$ cmake . -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=[QT5_Installation_prefix]

Note also that native XCode projects does not have dependency autodetection. As such the dependencies of the libosmsocout libraries and the XCode projects may differ and have to be adapted. In concrete, the XCode projects assume that marisa support was build in to the libomscout library, but as this is an optional library, you may have choosen differently.

Setup for MinGW/MSYS

Note that there is also a central Appveyor build, that uses a similar setup as described here. See the Appveyor configuration for setup details.


You can also find detailed build (but old and potentially not correct anymore) instructions in the OpenStreetMap wiki.

cmake based build

In the top level directory type:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

This should recursively analyse dependencies for all project subdirectories and afterwards build them.

Real life example for building using VisualStudio:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=10.0.10586.0
$ cmake --build . --config Release --target install

Real life example for building using Xcode:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -G "Xcode" ..

You can then import the Xcode project created in the build directory.

If you are using a nonstandard Qt installation directory (likely under Windows), you might add some additional hints to the cmake call. Relevant are the variables QTDIR and CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH.

Example (with also some other libosmscout specific options):

$ cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=10.0.##### .. 

meson based build

For ninja based builds: In the top level directory type:

$ mkdir debug
$ meson debug
$ cd debug
$ ninja

For VisualStudio based builds:

$ mkdir debug
$ meson debug --backend vs2019
$ cd debug
$ msbuild.exe libosmscout.sln /t:build /p:Configuration=debugoptimized /p:Platform="x64"

Running applications

To run the various tools and demos which are part of the libosmscout build you must make sure, that the libosmscout libraries are found by the loader.

Linux/Mac OS

For this LD_LIBRARY_PATH has to be extended. See the script in the top level directory for how to do it.

Note that current Mac OS X versions does not support additional library search paths via environment variables anymore. Location of the library has to be set during compile. cmake and autoconf (and libtool) based do this correctly, the qmake build for OSMScout2 and Styleconfig currently does not.


Libraries are searched via PATH or must be in the same directory as the executable that requires it.